
Monday, March 19, 2007


If you are not a close family member, you may mark this day as the one on which my wife was to blame for your being able to read this blog! Until now, I was very careful to ensure privacy and count on the safety of family loving me 'anyway' to be able to stand what I've written...

Well, upon spending considerable time reading blogs from old acquaintances over the weekend, she informed me that I had nothing to fear. Her words were something to the effect of, "Honey, why are you being so secretive and hiding your blog from the public? Now that I've read what's out there, you have NOTHING to worry about. Your stuff is so boring, nobody's gonna read it anyway." So, there you have it. Enjoy! :)


MCA said...

Just came in for a looky.

You look very different without your ninja mask!


Allan said...

It's a little like standing in the checkout line at the grocery store worrying if the people around you are noticing what you're buying and thinking, "Jeez, that guy has some really weird dietary habits." It's not worth worrying about since most of the time people aren't thinking about you anyway and/or they're worried about their own groceries being on display. So thanks to L for making you come out of the closet as it were.